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UZH Life Sciences Fund


The UZH Life Sciences Fund (LSF) invests in companies at a very early stage, when many investors tend to shy away but when it is critical for companies to get initial funding. 

The LSF aims to establish a capital base of 20 million francs to achieve its goals. Around 8 MCHF have been raised so far (4 MCHF coming from each partner), thus UZH still need to raise around 6 MCHF (that will be matched by the Novartis Venture Fund).

Your support helps us to speed up the process of translating research findings from UZH into clinical practice.Your donation has leverage: first, the amount is matched by the Novartis Venture Fund. Secondly, it is invested in spin-offs and the LSF will reinvest any revenues flowing back from its investments (evergreen structure). Your donation is sustainable as it initially doubles and then grows every year to support even more projects.

For donations, please contact the UZH Foundation